Choose a combination of our regional coverage to tailor your content to your needs. Included with your subscription are regional transaction newsletters covering Private Equity and M&A transactions.

Coverage of 15 million active and non-active private and public entities. Detailed company data coverage ranging from detailed financials, ownership, and beneficial information database, share issue database and charges/debt database. Access to underlying statutory annual reports and other formal documentation.
Coverage of all active and non-active private and public entities, close to 8 million entities in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. Comprehensive company data coverage including our unique, detailed Nordic ownership database, transaction database and share issue database. Access to underlying statutory annual reports and other formal documentation.
Coverage of 6 million active and non-active private and public in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Detailed company data coverage also including comprehensive company structures, ownership and minority ownership database. Access to underlying statutory annual reports and other formal documentation.
Coverage of 32 million active and non-active private and public in France, Belgium and Netherlands. Access to underlying statutory annual reports and other formal documentation.
Coverage of 10 million active and non-active private and public in Spain, Portugal and Italy. Access to underlying statutory annual reports and other formal documentation.